1 'This file can be easily edited on our website: https://www.mal-was-anderes.de/xx/translation SprachenName=English 'frmKochbuch Kochbuch=Cookbook mnuDatei=&File mnuSpeichern=&Save mnuSchreibgeschützt=Open read only NichtSchreibbar=The cook book file can’t be opened for writing because another process is accessing it. mnuEnde=E&xit mnuBearbeiten=&Edit Rückgängig=Undo RezeptDuplizieren=Duplicate recipe Wiederholen=Redo KategorieLöschen=Delete category RezepteHinzufügen=Add recipes RezeptBearbeiten=Edit recipe KategorieVerschieben=Move category KategorienVerschieben=Move categories RezepteLöschen=Remove recipes KategorienLöschen=Remove categories mnuNeu=&New recipe mnuKategorienBearbeiten=&Edit categories RecipeDeleted=Recipe “{0}” deleted mnuLöschen=D&elete recipe RecipesDeleted={0} recipes deleted Kopie=Copy mnuVerschieben=&Move recipe to a different category mnuSuchen=&Search mnuRezeptablage=&Recipe box mnuDrucklisteBearbeiten=&Edit recipe box mnuDrucklisteHinzufügen=&Add to recipe box mnuDrucklisteLeeren=&Clear recipe box mnuDrucken=&Print mnuAusgewähltesRezeptDrucken=&Print selected recipe mnuAusgewählteRezepteDrucken=&Print selected recipes mnuDrucklisteDrucken=P&rint recipes from recipe box mnuExtras=&Tools mnuImportieren=&Import mnuExportieren=&Export all recipes as ExportAls=Export as {0} ExportRTF=Formatted Textfile (.rtf) ExportLatex=LaTeX file (.tex) ExportWebseite=Website (.htm, .zip) ExportKochbuchDatei=Cookbook export file (.reze, .zip) mnuMenüsBearbeiten=E&dit menus mnuRezepteDrucklisteExportieren=Export recipes from recipe box as mnuOptionen=&Options mnuHilfe=&Help mnuUpdateSuchen=&Search for updates mnuUpdateHistory=Update &history mnuReleasenotes=Release notes mnuInfo=&About ... Navigation=Navigation AlleRezepte=All recipes Kategorien=Categories: Bearbeiten=edit Rezept=Recipe Name=Name: RezeptBereitsVorhanden=This recipe name already exists in the “{0}” category. Zutaten=Ingredients: Zubereitung=Preparation: LinkÖffnen=Press “Ctrl” and click here to open the link. Vorschau=Preview: picture {0} of {1} BildNichtVorhanden=The picture “{0}” doesn’t exist or is corrupted BildLaden=Load picture BildHinzufügen=Add picture BildEntfernen=Remove picture RezeptDrucken=Print recipe Übersicht=Overview BildWirklichLöschen=Remove picture? BildWirklichLöschenCaption=Remove picture BilddateiLöschen=Delete picture file as well? AlleBilddateien=All picture files|{0} WählenSieBild=Choose a picture: NeuesRezept=New recipe RezeptWirklichLöschenCaption=Remove recipe RezeptBereitsInDruckliste=These recipes are already in the recipe box! ZuDrucklisteHinzufügen=Add to recipe box RezeptDrucklisteHinzugefügt=Recipe was added to the recipe box! RezepteDrucklisteHinzugefügt={0} of {1} recipes were added to the recipe box! DrucklisteWirklichLeeren=Clear recipe box? DrucklisteLeeren=Clear recipe box UngenutzteBilder=There are {0} pictures in the cookbook folder, which don’t belong to any recipe ({1} MiB):\n\n{2}\n\n\n\nDelete unused pictures? ZwischenablageImport=There are recipes in the clipboard, import them? StandardVorspeisen=appetiser StandardHauptgerichte=main dish StandardNachspeisen=dessert StandardKuchen=cake StandardDrinks=drinks Synchronisieren=Setup Synchronization JetztSynchronisieren=Synchronize now SyncroEinstellungen=Syncro settings NächsterRezeptKonflikt=Jump to next recipe conflict KürzlichGelöscht=Recently deleted recipes KeinInternet=You’re not connected to the internet. Synchronization is not possible. SyncLäuftBaldAb=Kochbuch syncro will expire soon. Please renew! SyncAbgelaufen=Kochbuch syncro has expired!\n\n\n\nOrder renewal now (click here and select “Syncro settings”) VerbindungsAufbau=Connecting to server ... ServerNichtErreichbar=The synchronization server is unavailable. Please retry later. LetzteSynchronisierung=Last successful synchronization: NochNichtSynchronisiert=Not synchronized yet SynchronisierenKonflikte={0} conflicts encountered during synchronization. KonfliktLösen=Resolve conflict KonfliktAufgetretenInfo=Refreshing this recipe resulted in a merge conflict. A new version was downloaded from the synchronization server and the recipe was edited locally. 'frmExportieren ImportKategorie=imported ExportierenWählen=Choose an export filename. The pictures will be exported to “[Export filename] RezepteBilder”. ExportierenWählenHTM=Choose a folder for the website’s index.htm. Pictures are in the subfolder “Pictures”. ExportierenWählenRTF=Choose an export filename. BilderNachZubereitung=Output pictures after preparations NurErstesBild=Only export first picture RTFBilderExportieren=Export pictures FehlerBeimExport=Error while exporting!! {0} ExportErfolgreich=Export was successful ExportDateiExisiert=This file already exists.\n\nOverwrite it? Exportieren=Export KochbuchExportDatei=Cookbook-export Datei=File: BilderExportieren=Export pictures ({0} MiB) Kompression=&Compression MenüsExportieren=Export menus ZIPExport=Compress to zip file HtmlInhaltsverzeichnis=Create a table of contents WebsiteBilderOrdner=Pictures HtmlVorschaubilder=Create thumbnails HtmlGroßeBilder=Link pictures with higher resolution ({0} MiB) Ordner=Path: ExportHTMTitel=Recipes Überschrift=Title: HtmlBildVergrößern=Click here to enlarge EmailExport=Send export file as e-mail MailZuGroß=The export file is {0} MiB big, that can cause problems with some e-mail providers.\n\nSend the e-mail anyway? EmailSubject=Recipe e-mail: {0} recipes EmailSubject1=Recipe e-mail: {0} EmailBodyReze=(Your text)\n\n\n\nThis recipe file can be imported with the cookbook program.\n\nhttps://www.mal-was-anderes.de/en/kochbuch EmailBodyRTF=(Your text)\n\n\n\nThis recipe file was created with the cookbook program. You can open it with any established word processor (e.g. LibreOffice Writer, Word, Wordpad).\n\nhttps://www.mal-was-anderes.de/en/kochbuch EmailBodyLatex=(Your text)\n\n\n\nThis recipe file was created with the cookbook program. You can convert it to a PDF file using a LaTeX compiler, e.g. TeX Live.\n\nhttps://www.mal-was-anderes.de/en/kochbuch RTFFooter=Created with Cookbook from {0} ExportFilterRTF=Formatted text file ExportFilterLatex=LaTeX file 'frmImportieren ImportErfolgreich=Import was successful!\n\n{0} of {3} recipes, {1} of {4} menus and {2} of {5} pictures were added:\n\n\n\n{6} ImportierenWählen=Choose a file to import ImportFilterAlleImportDateien=All import files ImportFilterKochbuchDateien=Cookbook-export-file ImportFilterZipDateien=Zip file ImportFilterAlleDateien=All files Fehler=Error: {0} 'frmKompression ExportBilderVerkleinern=Shrink exported images Bildkompression=Image compression Qualität=Quality: KompressionBeschreibung=To keep the exported images small, e.g. for mailing, you can compress them with JPG. You can set the image quality with the slider. BildauflösungVerkleinern=Decrease image dimension AuflösungFür=Decrease image dimension to: VorschaugrößeKochbuch=Preview size in Cookbook Hilfe=Help HilfeNichtVorhanden=The help file {0} doesn’t exist! Bewertung0=Not rated Bewertung1=Tastes bad Bewertung2=Eatable Bewertung3=Tastes good Bewertung4=Delicious Bewertung5=Mouth-watering Schwierigkeit0=Not rated Schwierigkeit1=Foolproof Schwierigkeit2=Easy Schwierigkeit3=Intermediate Schwierigkeit4=Amateur cook Schwierigkeit5=Professional cook RezeptInfos=Recipe infos Schwierigkeitsgrad=Difficulty: Personenanzahl=Servings: Vorbereitungszeit=Preparation time: Kochzeit=Cooking time: TagKürzel=d StundeKürzel=h MinuteKürzel=min SekundeKürzel=s ZeitUnlesbar=The cookbook doesn’t recognize this time formatting.\n\nThe following formattings are possible:\n\ne.g: 1h 20min; 1:20; 80\n\n\n\nPlease email your formatting to flose@mal-was-anderes.de so the cookbook can recognize it in the future. NichterkannteZeichen=Not all characters could be recognized: {0}\n\nThe following formattings are possible:\n\ne.g: 1h 20min; 1:20; 80\n\n\n\nPlease email your formatting to flose@mal-was-anderes.de so the cookbook can recognize it in the future. Bewertung=Rating: Quelle=Source{0} AlleKategorien=All categories Anmerkung=Annotation: 'frmOptionen Optionen=Options ÜbersetzenHelfen=Help translating KategorienAusRKMM=Import categories from RK/MM/RIP/RBK files IntroZeigen=Show intro SonderzeichenUmwandeln=Automatically convert special characters (e.g. 1/2 in ½) FensterPosition=Save window position on exit SchreibgeschütztMerken=Remember read only mode when restarting BeimStart=On startup BeimStartLetztesRezept=show previously selected recipe ErsteKategorieAnzeigen=show first category AlleRezepteAnzeigen=show all recipes BildFensterSchließen=Show close button at the picture window SpeicherOrdnerÖffnen=Open save path Programmsprache=Program language: AutoUpdate=Search for updates automatically Voreinstellungen=Defaults Schriftgröße=Font size: Ok=O&k Abbrechen=C&ancel 'frmKategorien KategorienBearbeiten=Edit Categories KName=Name Beschreibung=Description{0} RezeptAnzahl=Recipe count Neu=&New KategorieSchonVorhanden=There is already a category with this name! KategorieZusammentun=There is already a category with this name!\n\nDo you want to merge these two categories? Entfernen=&Remove Löschen=Delete Vereinen=Merge KategorienVereinen=Merge categories NeuK=New category CategoryDeleted=Category “{0}” deleted CategoriesDeleted={0} categories deleted 'frmKategorieNameBearbeiten KategorieBearbeiten=Edit category KategorieName=Category name: NameEingeben=Enter a name! 'frmDruckliste AlleEntfernen=Remove all DrucklisteBearbeiten=Edit recipe box RezepteDrucklisteEntfernen=Remove all recipes from recipe box? RezepteDrucklisteEntfernenCaption=Clear recipe box 'frmInfo Info=About {0} Version=Version {0} Mail=Mail to {0} BitteUnterstützen=Please support our program by donating. ÜbersetzerInfo=Many thanks to our translators:\n\nEnglish: Flose 'frmSpenden Spenden=Donate SpendenText=We only develop this program in our spare time and would be very happy if you motivate us to continue. PayPalSpenden=Donate with PayPal VielenDank=Thank you very much for your donation! 'frmMenü Menü=Menu Menüpunkt=Menu item: MenüpunktInfo=In order to create a new menu item first add the recipe and then write the name of the menu item into the textbox Menüs=Menus: MenüDuplizieren=Duplicate menu RezepteMenü=Recipes in the menu: Hinzufügen=Add Anderes=Other RezeptImKochbuch=Recipe is in the cookbook ÄnderungenÜbernehmen=Apply changes? NeuMenüName=Enter the new menu name NeuMenüNameCaption=New menu MenüBearbeiten=Edit menu name Hauptgericht=Main dish RezeptEntfernen=Remove recipe? RezeptEntfernenCaption=Delete recipe KategorieEntfernen=Remove this menu item? KategorieEntfernenCaption=Remove menu item MenüEntfernen=Remove menu? MenüEntfernenCaption=Remove menu 'RezeptVerschieben RezeptVerschieben=Move recipe RezepteVerschieben=Move {0} recipes Verschieben=Move 'frmSuchen Suchen=Search Schnellsuche=Quick search SuchenNach=Search for: Suchoptionen=Search settings GefundeneRezepte=Found recipes: {0} Kategorie=Category: Schließen=Close SuchenBewertung=No recipes which are rated worse than: SuchenPersonen1=Recipes for SuchenPersonen2=persons. SuchenSchwierigkeit=No recipes more difficult than: SuchenDauer1=Recipes which take no longer than SuchenDauer2=minutes to prepare SuchenDauerKochen2=minutes to cook Relevanz=Relevance 'frmDrucken DruckTitel=Printing {0} recipes from the recipe box DruckTitelRezept=Printing recipe lblDrucken=Choose how to print the recipes: SeitennummerDrucken=Print page number RezeptNamenZentrieren=Center recipe name DatumDrucken=Print current date ZutatenDrucken=Print ingredients ZubereitungDrucken=Print preparation SeiteEinrichten=Page setup SchriftartÄndern=Change font KategorieDrucken=Print category name RezeptinfosDrucken=Print recipe infos Trennstrichdrucken=Show dividing line between ingredients and preparation EinRezeptProSeite=Print one recipe per page BildDrucken=Print picture DruckTitelRezepte=Print {0} recipes Position=Position: RechtsOben=top right UntenDrunter=below GrößeManuell=Set size manually Breite=Width: Höhe=Height: mnuDruckvorschau=Print previe&w DruckerEinrichten=Printer &setup Seite=Page: 'frmBilderÜbersicht frmBilderÜbersicht=Picture overview lblBilderHilfe=You can reorder the pictures with your mouse.\n\nBy right-clicking you can remove pictures Zurücksetzen=Reset Vorschaugröße=Previewsize: {0}px Zoom=Zoom: 'frmRezeptUnterschied RezeptVorhanden=The recipe “{0}” already exists ZubereitungGeändert=The preparations are different: ZutatenGeändert=The ingredients are different: InfosGeändert=The recipe infos are different: Überschreiben=Overwrite AlsNeuHinzufügen=Add as new Überspringen=Skip DieseAktionImmer=Always perform this action 'frmSync Synchronisierung=Setup Kochbuch syncro OnlineSynchronisierung=Kochbuch syncro ® SyncroErklärung=With the automatic online synchronization you always have your up-to-date recipes with you.\n\n- on your laptop at home\n\n- on your Android phone and tablet\n\nTest it 20 days for free!\n\nThen extend for a favorable price, more infos on our website: BestellenDreiJahre=Order now ErsteSyncErfolgreichErklärung=First synchronization was successful!\n\nIt might take some time for pictures to be synchronized.\n\nEnter the code in your other Cookbooks to connect them with this one. Später=Later NeueSynchronisierung=Start new synchronization EMail=E-mail: NeuSynchronisierungBeschreibung=Here you can start a new synchronization.\n\nPlease provide a valid e-mail address.\n\nAlready got a synchronization code? Just go back and connect to your existing Cookbook StimmeAGBZu=I accept the terms AGB=Terms MitBestehendemKochbuch=Connect to existing Cookbook MitBestehendemBeschreibung=Enter the code from the first synchronization.\n\nNot synchronized yet? Just go back and start a new one. Start=Start Zurück=Back ErsteSynchronisierung=First synchronization ErsteSynchronisierungBeschreibung=Now your recipes are being uploaded to the synchronization server. ErsteSynchroniserungErfolgreich=First synchronization was successful SynchronisierungDeaktivieren=Pause synchronization SynchronisierungAktivieren=Resume synchronization CodeWiederNachlesen=You can look up the code anytime. SynchronisierungNochTageAktiv=Synchronization will be active for {0} more days. SynchronisierungTageAbgelaufen=Synchronization has been expired for {0} days. Registrieren=Registering ... RegistrierungFehlgeschlagen=Registration failed Anmelden=Logging in ... UngültigesToken=Invalid code please check again FehlerAnmelden=Error occured when trying to log in: {0} SyncDatenLaden=Downloading data from server ... SyncDatenHochladen=Uploading data ... Fertig=Finished! LogoutSyncro=Logout SyncroAbmeldenFrage=Do you want to logout completey from Kochbuch synco® on this device?\n\n\n\nAfterwards you cannot read your syncro token, {0}, anymore here. Write it down if you still need it. 'frmDeletedRecipes RezepteWiederherstellen=Restore {0} recipes RezeptWiederherstellen=Restore 1 recipe MehrAnzeigen=Show more KeineGelöschtenVorhanden=There are no deleted recipes GelöschteWiederherstellenErklärung=Select the recipes you want to restore and click on “Restore recipes”. Restored recipes still appear in the list. 'mdlKochbuch FehlerÖffnen=Error while opening: {0} FehlerSpeichern=Error while saving: {0} Öffnen=Open 'frmMergeConflict KonfliktSpäterBeheben=Resolve conflict later VersionÜbernehmen=Apply this version ÄnderungskonfliktRezept=Recipe “{0}” has merge conflicts. KonfliktErklärung=Recipe “{0}” was changed locally and also in another synchronized Cookbook. The other Cookbook synced first with the server.\n\nBecause the changes were made in the same places in the text, you must now select which version to keep. You can also make changes yourself in the text box below. KonfliktTeileErklärung=Merge changes exist in the following red marked parts of the recipe: MeineÄnderungen=My changes: ServerÄnderungen=Changes on the server: ZuÜbernehmendeVersion=Select which version to keep: MeineVersion=My version ZusammengefügteVersion=Merged version ServerVersion=Version from server KonfliktSpäterAuflösen=Resolve conflict later? All changes so far will be discarded! KonfliktNichtAufgelöst=There are still conflicts in the parts of the recipe that are marked red in the list on the left. You should select them and edit the areas marked with {0}. Do you want to mark the conflict as resolved anyway? 'frmKochbuchInfo SyncroSpäterHinweis=Or later in the file menu -> Setup synchronization SyncroJetztEinrichten=Setup Kochbuch syncro now KochbuchInfo=Cookbook info NichtMehrAnzeigen=Do not show again 'frmSyncroExpired TestphaseAbgelaufen=Kochbuch syncro test phase expired SpäterErinnern=Remind me later AbgelaufenHinweisText=The test phase of your Kochbuch syncro has expired. The synchronization of your Cookbooks is now suspended, until you extend your Kochbuch syncro.\n\n\n\nOrder an extension now for one to three years to continue having all your up-to-date recipes with you.\n\n\n\nYou can find the prices on our website: AbgelaufenDeaktivierenHinweis=If you deactivate Kochbuch syncro you have to manually activate it again, after you order an extension.\n\n(In the file menu -> Setup Synchronization) 'frmImport Alle=A&ll Keine=Non&e AusgewählteImportieren=Import selected RezepteTitel=Recipes KategorienTitel=Categories MenüsTitel=Menus BereitsVorhanden=Exists already KategorienImportieren=Import categories MenüsImportieren=Import menus Details=Details ImportFehlerMeldung=One or more files couldn’t be opened! Import=Import ja=yes RezeptGleichemNamenVorhanden=Recipe exists with identical name BereitsIdentischVorhanden=Identical recipe exists