{ "kochbuch": "Cookbook", "welcome_login": "Welcome to Cookbook!\nUse your Kochbuch syncro code to login.", "login_download_kochbuch": "Don't have a syncro code? Download Cookbook for PC or Android.", "syncro_token": "syncro code", "stay_logged_in": "Stay logged in", "button_login": "Login", "mail_start": "Hallo,", "mail_end": "We wish you continued joy with our cookbook!\n\nGreetings\nFlorian and Sebastian Scheibner", "mail_more_questions": "For questions and suggestions do not hesitate to contact us.\nWrite an e-mail to %[1]s or just answer this email.", "mail_payment_received": "We have received your payment.", "mail_active_until": "Your Kochbuch syncro will be active until %[1]s.", "mail_subject_order_activated": "Your Kochbuch syncro has been activated successfully!", "date_format": "01\/02\/2006", "Rezepte": "Recipes", "Account": "Account", "error_email_invalid": "Please enter a valid email address.", "error_email_already_registered": "This email address is already in use.", "account_kochbuch": "Kochbuch syncro Account", "your_account": "Your Account", "Product": "Product", "order_code": "Reference", "order_created": "Ordered", "Logout": "Logout", "AllCategories": "All recipes", "Order": "Orders", "order_now": "Order now", "Ingredients": "Ingredients:", "Preparation": "Preparation:", "add_picture": "Add picture", "remove_picture": "Delete picture", "edit_recipe": "Edit recipe", "edit": "Edit", "remove_recipe": "Delete recipe", "show_picture": "Show picture", "Source": "Source:", "Annotation": "Annotation:", "Servings": "Servings:", "PreparationTime": "Preparation time:", "CookingTime": "Cooking time:", "Rating": "Rating:", "Difficulty": "Difficulty:", "categories": "Categories", "new_recipe": "New recipe", "unsaved_changes": "There are unsaved changes, do you really want to leave this page?", "SyncroOneYear": "18.95 \u20ac for one year", "SyncroThreeYears": "28.95 \u20ac for three years", "SyncroYears1": "%1$s for one year", "SyncroYears3": "%1$s for three years", "order_intro": "Thank you for choosing Kochbuch syncro!\n\nKochbuch syncro allows you to synchronize your recipes with your computer, your mobile phone and tablet.", "order_payment_info": "Payment options will be sent to your e-mail address (%s).\nWe will activate your Kochbuch syncro after receiving your payment.", "epc_qr_description": "Just scan the code with your banking app and directly start the transfer", "order_pay_now": "Pay now", "order_cancel": "Cancel order", "Back": "Back", "order_not_found": "This order doesn't exist!", "order_cancle_question": "Do you want to cancel this order?\n%1$s, ordered on %2$s", "yes": "Yes", "AddOrder": "Order Kochbuch syncro", "error_runtime_too_long": "Your Kochbuch syncro is still payed for, you can wait until next year to order.", "cancel_open_orders": "You have an open order. If you want to order another duration please cancel your existing order first.", "syncro_expired": "Your Kochbuch syncro has expired.", "syncro_active_until": "Your Kochbuch syncro is still active until:", "syncro_active": "Your Kochbuch syncro is active!", "OpenOrder": "Open purchase orders", "PreviousOrders": "Completed orders", "account_order_confirmation": "Thank you very much for ordering Kochbuch syncro.\n\n Kochbuch syncro %1$d months for %2$s\n\nYou will receive a confirmation e-mail with your payment options shortly.\nWe will activate your Kochbuch syncro after receiving your payment.", "pay_paypal": "Pay with PayPal", "mail_subject_order_confirmation": "Kochbuch syncro order confirmation", "subject_to_terms": "Subject to our terms and conditions", "payment_options": "Your payment options", "bank_transfer": "Bank transfer", "mail_order_confirmation": "Thank you very much for ordering Kochbuch syncro.\n\n * Kochbuch syncro %[1]d months for %.2[2]f \u20ac\n\nWe will activate your Kochbuch syncro after receiving your payment.", "account_holder": "Account holder", "bank": "Bank", "amount": "Amount", "remittance_info": "Remittance information", "email": "Email", "note": "Note", "rezept_suchen_placeholder": "Search recipe...", "logging_out": "Logging out...", "about": "About", "programmed_by": "Programmed by: Florian and Sebastian Scheibner", "cookbook_your_language": "The Cookbook is not available in your language?", "about_help_translate": "Help us translate it!", "about_suggestion": "We hope you enjoy using the Cookbook! If you have a question or suggestion leave us a note:", "feedback": "Feedback", "synchronizing": "Synchronizing \u2026", "mail_subject_delete_account": "Kochbuch syncro account deletion", "mail_delete_account": "we have received your request to remove your Kochbuch syncro account. All data related to this account, including recipes and pictures will be permanently deleted. Note that after the removal we will not be able to restore your recipe data.\nThis request will be handled within the next 30 days. Login to the account is already disabled, you will be notified once the removal is done.\n\nIn case this request was done in error, please respond to this email and we will cancel the removal and reenable the account.", "delete_account": "Delete account", "delete_account_question": "This will request the permanent deletion of your Kochbuch syncro account: %1$s\nAll data related to this account, including recipes and pictures will be permanently deleted. Note that after the removal we will not be able to restore your recipe data.\nPlease enter your email address here to confirm the account deletion." }