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Traduction de Serveur Cookbook sur Français

Avancement de la traduction: 95.6% Effectué: 87; modifications: 0; vide: 4
ÜbersetzenKürzelFrançaisTexte à traduire
Kochbuch syncro account deletion
we have received your request to remove your Kochbuch syncro account. All data related to this account, including recipes and pictures will be permanently deleted. Note that after the removal we will not be able to restore your recipe data.
This request will be handled within the next 30 days. Login to the account is already disabled, you will be notified once the removal is done.

In case this request was done in error, please respond to this email and we will cancel the removal and reenable the account.
Delete account
This will request the permanent deletion of your Kochbuch syncro account: %1$s
All data related to this account, including recipes and pictures will be permanently deleted. Note that after the removal we will not be able to restore your recipe data.
Please enter your email address here to confirm the account deletion.
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